
Institute for Digital Finance

The Institute for Digital Finance conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of digital finance’s practical application in the current economic environment.


The main research areas:

  • accumulation of knowledge and competence building in the field of digital finance in Russia;
  • the functions of digital currencies;
  • formation of a financial metauniverse model for the Russian public sector.

Our top priority is to make the Financial university a leader in digital finance competences among higher education institutions and scientific community.

Our goals:

  • Constant collection and analysis of information in the field of digital finance;
  • Preparation of analytical materials and creation of a constantly updated library of up-to-date knowledge, communications and participation in public events;
  • Development of proposals for improving the legal regulation of digital currencies and digital financial assets;
  • Study of trends and technological processes in the formation of the decentralized finance (DeFi) market;
  • Study of changes in the institutional infrastructure of financial markets in the context of digitalization of the economy.

The Institute prepares the launch of a unique edtech educational course “Digital Financial Technologies”. The course program will provide an in-depth overview of the most important topics in digital financial technologies, namely the basics of digital finance, centralized and decentralized digital finance, central bank currencies and metaverses.

Mikhail V. Dugaev

Director of Institute for digital finance

Tverskaya 22B / building 3, office 201
125167, Moscow
