• ‘Information Security Management in the Financial and Banking Sector’

    • Full-time
    • 2 years
    • Russian
    • 350 000
  • Entrance exams

    • Math and computer science
    • Foreign language

Program description

The master’s degree program is focused on training professional leaders in information security in financial and credit organizations. It is aimed at developing students’ skills in information risk assessment, implementation of measures to detect and neutralize threats to corporate information systems. During the training, students will gain the necessary knowledge and learn how to solve problems related to the work of protected information and information-analytical systems of financial and credit organizations, form and implement information security policies, certify computer systems for their compliance with information security requirements, reasonably choose and use cryptographic and organizational and technical means of information protection and others. Due to the interaction and contacts with experienced teachers, practitioners from partner organizations, master’s degree students will receive the relevant knowledge they need to work and further advance in their chosen field of professional activity.

Accreditation and Partners

Program managers

Osipov Alexey Viktorovich

  • PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • Head of the Information Security Department of the Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to

  • Collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information, justify the choice of information protection methods and means, develop plans and programs for conducting scientific research and technical developments in information security.
  • Activate their abilities for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, acquire new knowledge and skills with information technologies and use them in practical activities.
  • Classify and assess threats to information security for the object of financial and credit enterprises’ digitalization, develop systems, complexes, means and technologies for ensuring security.
  • Organize work on the creation or modernization of information security systems, tools and technologies in accordance with legal regulations and regulatory methodological documents.
  • Master and apply new methods of professional activity research, develop programs and test methods for information security tools and systems


The universal economy digitalization implies its reliable continuous development under constant information security. The organization of the educational process makes it possible to transform the theoretical knowledge on information security, including its economic, technical, technological and legal aspects, into practical skills and proficiency in professional skills, considering the requirements of large companies’ employers. This allows the alumni of our master’s degree to keep up with demand for the professional skills received all the time. The basic steps for building a future successful career of an alumnus are: taking into account in the master’s degree program the requests of employers and the modern labor market peculiarities in information security; increasing the alumni’s competitiveness and adaptability by adapting the educational process closer to the real life conditions; introduction of modern training technologies and practices that promote effective employment and promotion of alumni; formation and the launch of the department alumni’s support system.

Organizations where you can find a job

Unique advantages of the program

Master’s degree program means development of scientific research skill of relevant information systems. The philosophy of information security.

Requirements for applicants: primary knowledge of information security, computer systems and computer science. Testing in a foreign language.

Two main directions in mutual communication: legal aspects of information security and the main directions of cryptographic and information protection technical principles.

Traditions and modern technological achievements in the protection of computer systems on the example of credit and financial system information protection.

Improving the knowledge of a foreign language in business communication and computer sphere.