• ‘Psychology of Virtual and Media Environment’

    • Full-time
    • 4 years
    • RU
    • 250 000 RUB
  • Entrance exams

    • Biology
    • Russian Language

Program description

Have you ever thought about how social networks, online technologies, and media influence one’s personality, attitude, and behavior? The innovative program “Psychology of Virtual and Media Environment” which has no analogues in Russia, combines the classical traditions of university psychological education and an innovative scientific approach to the study of human interaction with the Internet, media, and digital technologies.

The XXI century is marked not only by the digital revolution, but also by a high degree of “psychologization” of society, the rapid and deep penetration of psychology into all aspects of people’s lives. Today we see how psychological language is becoming one of the most popular in the world, and its application in the digital sphere expands opportunities in understanding and predicting user behavior. Possession of big data (Internet giants, social networks, gaming platforms, etc.) creates a number of ethical and social problems that psychologists also deal with. All marketing, sales, advertising strategies turn to psychology in order to make high-quality promotions. More and more employers are using the latest achievements of psychology in personnel management and, first of all, its branches – cyberpsychology, neuropsychology, and media psychology. Responding to the requests of employers and the tasks of the time, scientists and experts of the Financial University have developed a new educational program that will provide students with a deep understanding of the psychological phenomena of human interaction with multimedia, digital, and Internet technologies.

Our students, firstly, learn how to study, diagnose, develop and correct psychological phenomena using digital technologies (eye tracking, virtual and augmented reality, etc.). Secondly, they get practical work experience (psychological counseling, coaching, training, psychodiagnostics, training, personnel management, etc.) in psychological and pedagogical centers, advanced IT companies, telecommunications companies, public service bodies, etc. Thirdly, they closely interact with leading experts in the interdisciplinary field of psychology, media and digital technologies, participate in scientific and practical events (international, national, university), study among like-minded people who help to develop professionally and personally.

Program managers

Klementeva Marina Vladimirovna

  • Doctor of Psychology
  • Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development
  • Psychologist, member of the Russian Psychological Society

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to

  • Conduct scientific and psychological research, including in the field of media psychology and cyber psychology;
  • Provide cutting-edge psychological assistance to people in difficult life situations, combining digital tools with psychological methods;
  • Advise media companies and organizations with a web presence;
  • Develop and implement psychological intervention programs in the digital environment;
  • Solve psychological problems in various areas of human practice, for example, increasing the attractiveness of a website, countering cyberbullying, optimizing feedback in online communication, etc;
  • Develop educational programs for digital competence and media communication.

Key disciplines of the concentration

Applied Cyberpsychology

Students study psychosocial aspects of human interaction with the Internet and digital technologies. Also, they learn to apply this knowledge in different areas of life: education, industry, media industry, sports, business, law, marketing, personnel, military, journalism, culture, management, healthcare, etc.

Psychological Analysis of Internet Content and Virtual Environment

Students study methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis (content analysis, narrative analysis, hermeneutic analysis) of SMS, Internet requests, posts in networks, photos, digital traces, as well as technologies based on them to influence the digital environment of the audience, for example, the use of social networks in marketing or political projects.

Telepsychology and Psychological Consulting

Students master algorithms for the use and development of digital technologies of psychological assistance and consulting, such as: remote consultations, remote diagnostics, psychological Internet bots, automated expert systems, augmented reality, online games, etc.

Artificial Intelligence Methods in Psychodiagnostics

Students learn about algorithms and software used in analyzing mental phenomena, master the methods of recording data on human behavior (eye tracking, virtual reality, big data), study artificial intelligence technologies and their application in psychometry and remote psychodiagnostics.

Information and Communication Technologies in Psychological Counseling

The module consists of three disciplines in which students study theories, technologies, and methods of professional psychological counseling on profession and career, family and marriage, educational, social, managerial, political, business activities, multicultural, children’s, telephone and online counseling.

Psychology of Gaming and Multimedia Entertainment

Students get acquainted with the basic theories of human mental development with an emphasis on game interaction, including using the digital environment and mass media, learn to analyze and create strategies for social interaction on media platforms (entertainment, marketing, educational, political, etc. campaigns).


One of the fundamental disciplines in the system of psychology. Students study neural and psychophysiological mechanisms of cognitive activity, learning and functional states, learn to model cognitive processes from neuropodic elements, master methods of psychodiagnostics of functional states, individual differences of a person. 

General Psychology

One of the fundamental disciplines of the program, where students study the fundamental psychological mechanisms and patterns of origin and functioning of the human and animal psyche; learn to apply these patterns to solve practical problems of diagnosis, counseling, examination, and prevention of personality anomalies.

Cyber Technologies in Scientific and Psychological Research

The module consists of three disciplines in which students study the psychological mechanisms of human interaction with artificial intelligence and virtual reality, get acquainted with the designs of cyberpsychological research, master the tools of heuristic programming and technologies of modern neural networks.

Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics and Psychosemiotics

Students will study the mechanisms of creating and understanding the meanings of communications in culture, embodied in signs, languages, codes, symbols, texts, as well as master the methods of linguistic, semantic and semiotic analysis of modern communications (social networks, mass media, art, etc.).

Experimental Psychology and Psychodiagnostics

Students master the theoretical and practical aspects of the professional activity of a psychologist: knowledge of classical and modern psychological theories, possession of innovative methods and methods of organizing psychological research, as well as practical skills of psychodiagnosis.

Extreme Psychology and Psychology of Information Environment Security

Students study the behavior and consequences of finding a person in extreme situations (terrorist attacks, pandemics, etc.), master methods of providing emergency psychological assistance to victims of emergencies and methods of dealing with psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome, learn to evaluate psychological factors associated with online crimes.


Our program offers graduates a wide range of career options in any organization with an online presence. This is work in such areas as social and psychological assistance to the population; public service bodies, personnel management; marketing, advertising, design; development of new cyber technologies; gaming industry; education; media industry; healthcare; journalism and PR; culture and art; sports.

Our graduates work as psychologists, coaches, social workers, usability specialists, PR and HR managers, teachers, marketers, civil servants, etc.

Organizations where you can find a job

Unique advantages of the program

A unique combination of classical psychological education with IT literacy;

A relevant and in-demand specialty that will allow graduates to work in a wide range of professions related to psychology and digital technologies;

Our faculty have Doctoral or PhD degrees, are practicing psychologists, authors of textbooks, books and psychological techniques.

The program will provide students with a deep understanding of all psychological phenomena that arise in human interaction with multimedia and Internet technologies.

Students will gain practical work experience in advanced IT companies, telecommunications companies, organizations with a web presence and psychological centers.

The educational process is based on the most modern diagnostic techniques, materials and technical complexes.