• ‘Business Ethics’

    • Full-time
    • 4 years
    • RU
    • 1,2 year - 250 000 RUB | 3,4 year - 250 000 RUB
  • Entrance exams

    • Social studies or Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese) or History or Computer Science
    • Russian Language

Program description

Our entire professional life is a continuous stream of stresses, events, conversations, conflicts, disappointments, and impressions. We are experiencing something every minute. These relationships are most often based on ethical issues. That is why it is important to have a professional who knows how to control the situation and knows how to find an optimal solution. You can become an indispensable professional in the field of business ethics! You will become a modern philosopher who thinks freely and solves any ethical problems comprehensively!

The educational program “Business Ethics” is aimed at using modern methods, technologies and teaching methods. Students obtain practical skills in research and management, and form the ability of expert assessment in various spheres of modern society.

Program managers

Natalya Orekhovskaya

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
  • Member of the Russian Society of Sociologists, member of the European Society of Sociologists.
  • She authored more than 100 publications: monographs, textbooks, manuals, brochures, articles devoted to the problems of social philosophy, the evolution of mass consciousness of Russian society, its mentality, as well as issues of sociology, manipulative PR technologies, communication links and methods of social management.

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to

  • Solve non-standard tasks in the professional field, using methods of logical analysis and argumentation theory;
  • Make competent management decisions;
  • Become a unique and in-demand specialist in public authorities and local self-government bodies;
  • Manage analytical centers, PR and GR divisions of leading companies;
  • Manage cross-cultural processes in international corporations taking into account socio-historical, ethical and philosophical tracks of development;
  • Adapt to any challenges in professional activity;
  • Carry out project activities in the field of digitalization of social and humanitarian research and development; implement projects as part of a team and independently;
  • Implement an individual track for obtaining the following levels of higher education (master’s and postgraduate studies) in the field of study of “Philosophy” at the Financial University;
  • Work and study abroad.


The philosopher is an unfashionable, unprofitable, and uninteresting job – this is a myth! The modern philosopher is not limited in the choice of professions!

We train highly qualified personnel in the field of business ethics who are able to solve socially significant tasks related to conducting ethical and humanitarian expertise of business projects, topics and methods of research work within the framework of their professional activities, as well as create concepts of professional ethics and bioethics, organize inclusive education, and manage inclusive education projects.

The philosopher will always be in demand, despite any changes in the labor market, because at all times creative specialists with strategic thinking and high learning abilities have remained in demand.

The synthesis of unique competencies based on the analysis of labor market requirements and employers’ requests will make our graduates sought-after specialists both in academic research projects (Russian and foreign) and in commercial structures, public authorities and local governments, analytical centers, PR and GR divisions companies, etc.

Thanks to fundamental and project-oriented training, a modern philosopher will be in demand in the labor market and will be able to realize their professional ambitions in any branch of the humanitarian and public sphere or public authorities.

Organizations where you can find a job

Unique advantages of the program

Modern methods, technologies and teaching techniques are used in organizing the educational process;

Some disciplines are aimed at developing the skills of independent thinking;

Any subject is aimed at forming critical thinking through the implementation of projects, discussions, and information analysis.

Modern practices of working with complexly organized objects of humanitarian knowledge and obtaining skills to implement this knowledge in project work.

Our faculty are the best representatives of the educational and scientific departments of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, leading experts and invited speakers in the field of humanities, who are constantly improving their qualifications.

Let’s break stereotypes about boring university studies!