• ‘Hospitality Management’

    • Full-time
    • 4 years
    • RU
    • 1,2 year - 290 000 RUB | 3,4 year - 290 000 RUB
  • Entrance exams

    • Social studies | Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese) | History | Computer Science
    • Russian Language

Program description

The educational program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists with knowledge and practical skills in the field of hotel business management. The main objective of the program is to train a management team of hotel business organizers capable of making decisions in a changing environment.

The program combines advanced educational technologies and traditional academic training with deep sectoral and subject study of topics that are relevant to the organization and management of the hotel business.

Accreditation and Partners

Program managers

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna

  • PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.
  • Certified expert in the classification of hotel enterprises, STR expert analyst, business coach

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to

  • Develop hotel products and design hotel activities, conduct socio-economic research in the hospitality industry using basic knowledge of hotel marketing and statistics;
  • Make professional management decisions, analyze, systematize, interpret and evaluate the financial potential of hotels of various forms of ownership;
  • Monitor and evaluate the quality of business processes for providing hotel services, assess the effectiveness of departments at hospitality organizations;
  • Use modern information and communication technologies for implementing and promoting hotel services, including in the digital environment.

Key disciplines of the concentration

Technologies and Organization of Services at Hospitality and Catering Enterprises

Within the framework of the discipline, students study the theoretical and organizational foundations of hotel and restaurant enterprises, standards of operational activity at all stages of the technological cycle of guest service, technology and organization of catering services in hotel complexes.

Software and Automation of Hotel Activities

Internet, Intranet and WEB technologies at the enterprises of the hospitality industry. Automation of business planning and evaluation of the business projects effectiveness at enterprises of the hospitality industry. Calendar and network planning and project management. Statistical data processing.

Management of Hotel Complex Resources

Types and structure of resources of a hotel enterprise. The main directions of resource management of a hotel enterprise.  Efficiency assessment of using different types of resources of a hotel enterprise. Modern resource management systems.

Marketing in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Key characteristics and features of marketing in the tourism and hospitality industry. The concept of marketing in tourism and hospitality. Marketing technologies in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Business Planning in the Field of Hospitality

Students will study the main elements of strategic and business planning of hotel enterprises, methods of managing the economic performance of hospitality facilities, as well as directions for using the results of business planning in the activities of hotel companies.

Digital Tools for the Development of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Students study the transformation of traditional models of hotel business development in the context of digitalization, the stages of developing digital strategies in the tourism and hospitality industry, the main types, characteristics and classification of digital projects in the tourism and hospitality sector.


The program trains specialists who will be able to work in the hotel business, in the field of MICE, and in the field of creative industries.

Our graduates are in demand in Russian and international hotel companies, management, development and consulting companies in the hospitality sector, in state management bodies of tourism and hotel business, and professional industry associations.

Organizations where you can find a job

Unique advantages of the program

Study at one of the leading universities in the country. The fundamental nature of the program at the junction with practical orientation.

Faculty. Classes are taught by faculty with practical management experience in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Language learning. The program involves in-depth study of two foreign languages.

Priority opportunities. Opportunities to deepen knowledge of international finance at the basic departments of KPMG and PWC.

Cooperation program with foreign universities. Student academic mobility and double degree programs.

Project activities. The opportunity to create student startups in the field of hospitality and tourism.