Specialized Educational and Scientific Laboratory

About the department

The Specialized Educational and Scientific Laboratory is a structural unit of the Department of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis of the Federal State Higher Education Institution "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation".

Aims and Goals of the Laboratory:

The aim of the Laboratory is to train highly qualified specialists, to educate enlightened and professionally competent people, to strengthen research and intellectual potential, to maintain and develop high quality standards of scientific and educational process.

The goals of the Laboratory are:

  • To create conditions for students to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, to acquire appropriate skills,
  • To organize and carry out research and project work of students,

Functions of the Laboratory

In order to accomplish its aims and goals, the educational Laboratory performs the following functions:

  • Selects modern technical training tools during training sessions and providing opportunities for their use,
  • Prepares for use laboratory stands and layouts, necessary equipment and devices that ensure obtaining of test results with specified characteristics,
  • Implements a set of measures aimed at ensuring high quality and visual experiments, tests,
  • Applies the studied tools and techniques in educational and scientific work,
  • Carries out works on improvement of material and technical base of educational laboratory,
  • Creates conditions for research work of students, development of their creative activity by introducing them to scientific work,
  • Organizes laboratories, participates in Olympiads and competitions of students' scientific works, external competitions for special scholarships,
  • Participates in educational and methodological events, scientific and practical conferences, forums,
  • Provides control over the timely and quality maintenance and repair of the equipment used in accordance with the operating instructions.

Research Activities

The Laboratory directs the research, educational, research and innovative work of students, conducts discussion and implementation of the results of these works in practice, gives recommendations for the publication of scientific papers.

The Laboratory provides an increase in the number of scientific events held at the FinU.


Mikhail Valeev

Head of the Department of Information Security

Address: 109456, Moscow, 4th Veshnyakovsky pr. 4, building 1, room 1407