Institute of Problems of an Effective State and Civil Society

About the department

The Institute carries out current and long-term planning of scientific and creative activities, determines the types of work, financing conditions and composition of performers, considering the main directions of research activity approved by the FinU.

The Institute conducts scientific research in cooperation with the FinU departments and carries out orders of federal and regional legislative and executive authorities. On the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute participates in the development of draft regulatory legal acts, prepares information and analytical materials, performs work on contractual terms on orders of interested institutions and organizations.

Main tasks:

  • Development of theoretical and applied problems of legal support for improving the efficiency of public administration at the federal and regional levels on a wide range of tasks facing executive authorities,
  • Improvement of legal regulation of relations in finance and economy, including those related to the integration of Russia into the WTO,
  • Improvement of regulatory regulation of relations in information interaction between public authorities and citizens, problems of ensuring information security in the public and private sectors,
  • Expert analysis of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts with respect to their conformity with the legislation in force and the doctrine of legal science,
  • Preparation of drafts of federal laws, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the instructions of state authorities,
  • Development of systems of local legal acts for state and business organizations,
  • Preparation of analytical reviews of international and foreign legal acts in all branches of law,
  • Conducting legal and political research on the impact of new regulatory legal acts on social and political processes.

Creative potential of the Institute

The staff of the Institute consists of doctors and PhDs who can conduct scientific research in all areas of legal regulation of public relations, including the legal regulation of closed relations.

The staff of the Institute has achieved the most significant results in the study of the following areas of scientific activity:

  • Theoretical and applied problems of administrative and tort law,
  • Legal problems of ensuring information security, including problems of protection of state, trade and banking secrets, personal data and other systems of restriction of access to information,
  • Legal support of information interaction between public authorities and citizens (“electronic government”, “electronic money”, “electronic signature”, etc.),
  • Legal regulation of the use of the Internet,
  • Tax and customs law within the framework of ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation,
  • International economic law,
  • Economic and legal analysis of socio-political consequences of governmental decisions affecting the rights and obligations of civil society of the Russian Federation.

To provide high quality information education to students, the Institute's staff plans to start developing a scientific basis for creating a mechanism that will allow to incorporate the promising information technologies necessary for providing applied financial and economic education into the educational activities of the FinU.

Our long-term plans include many research areas in ensuring effective innovative public administration in socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, including conducting legal expertise, including, on the one hand, the application of norms of legal responsibility for making a specific financial and economic decision, and on the other hand, the development of an economic scenario of possible forms of administrative and legal support.

Adjustment of the current administrative, tax, budgetary, monetary, and civil national legislation to the new economic realities, as well as implementation of international obligations in foreign economic cooperation, is impossible without development of legal comments on the current norms in the sphere of public administration under consideration and legal justification of changes in them.


Marina Rylskaya

Director of the Institute