Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Experimental Psychology

About the department

We are glad to welcome you to the website of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Experimental Psychology of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation!

The Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Experimental Psychology was established in 2021 in connection with the opening of the bachelor's program "Psychology of the virtual environment and media space" in psychology (37.03.01) and officially opened its doors on September 14, 2022.

The main goal of the laboratory is to create conditions for the provision of quality educational services and the formation of professional skills of students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the field of Psychology, as well as for the conduct of research work of teachers and students.

Laboratory tasks:

  • Ensuring the implementation of the educational program "Psychology of virtual environment and media space",
  • Development of research skills of students,
  • Conducting relevant psychological research by faculty and students,
  • Vocational guidance, psychodiagnostic, educational work with the staff of the organization.

Our equipment

The laboratory has modern equipment, which meets educational standards and the latest experimental technologies. The use of this equipment allows our students and the staff of the department to carry out comprehensive educational, methodological and research work, to teach students to work with a wide range of methods and techniques, and to increase their competitiveness in the labor market. Among our equipment:

  • Polygraph (PFK "Diana" 07),
  • Device for recording eye movements (Pupil Labs),
  • Software for registration of emotions (EmoDetect),
  • VR helmets (Oculus Quest 2),
  • Computer programs for psychological diagnostics (Psychometric Expert-9 Professional, training and demonstration system "Practice") and virtual reality design (Varwin Education),
  • Hand-held demonstration materials (models of the brain, brain ventricles, spinal cord, eye model, ear model),
  • Psychodiagnostic testing (Wexler Test (adult and child versions); Torrence Creativity Test; Standard Progressive Raven Matrices (classic form); Kos Cubes; MMPI Personality Questionnaire),
  • Psychodiagnostic projective techniques (Thematic Apperception Test (TAT); Rosenzweig Frustration Test (adult and child versions); Rorschach; Lusher Color Test; Sondi; Emotional Art Designer),
  • Psychological projective tools (time management simulator game; sets of metaphorical associative maps),
  • Material and technical equipment for the organization of the educational process (chairs with music stands, laptops, beamer, speakers, sofa).

Laboratory tour

We invite you to be our guests, both real and virtual, through a photo carousel!

The laboratory consists of two rooms: the pedagogical one, with the possibility of carrying out practical lessons, and the scientific one, where the main technical support is connected, as well as the handouts.

Our staff

The Laboratory is staffed by members of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development who have degrees, extensive research and teaching experience.

Our work

The Laboratory conducts its educational and research activities in a wide range of relevant areas and projects at the intersection of psychophysiology, psychodiagnostics, virtual reality studies, economics, social psychology, personality psychology, educational psychology, and many others.

Our fields of activity include:

  • Professional psychodiagnostics for professional selection and career guidance, examination and assessment of the ability to train the organization's employees and students,
  • Research of neuropsychological mechanisms (and correlates) of vocational training processes at different age stages, in different socio-economic conditions, in different professional groups,
  • Research on neuropsychological mechanisms of economic behavior,
  • Study of psycholinguistic aspects of virtual communication and its languages; study of neuropsychological mechanisms of human behavior on the Internet environment,
  • Study of psychophysiological correlates of cognitive processes, strategies of personality behavior in different environments (educational, professional, etc.), including in changing environments,
  • Research on the psychophysiological level of emotional and cognitive evaluation of advertisements, websites, news, films, images of media personalities and other cultural texts,
  • Mastering digital methods of evaluation, analysis, generalization, integration of test systems, combination with other software, data exchange in the IT environment,
  • Study of methods, technologies and procedures for assessment of individual psychological characteristics of personality, creation of socio-psychological profile (personality profiling), research of psychological mechanisms and patterns of human behavior - and much more!

We will be glad to cooperate with you!
