About the department

Our mission is to create a scientific and educational complex that in the future will become a center of systems research and modeling of the economy in Russia.

“No matter how different the elements of the universe are - electrons, atoms, things, people, ideas, planets, stars - and no matter how different their combinations are in appearance, it is possible to establish a small number of general methods by which these elements of any kind are connected with each other, both in the spontaneous process of nature and in human activities.” A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky)

“Any economic system is a complex interweaving of economic projects, processes, objects and environments immersed in space and time. However, there is law and order in this chaos. Holding hands, these components form rings that connect causes and effects in the world of systems in a chain. This is what the theory of tetrads tells us. The periodicity of the interrelationships of the components of the tetrad is a source of stability and harmony of systems in space and time.” G.B. Kleiner

“If you think we can’t change the world, it just means you’re not one of those who will.” J. Fresco


Head of Department

Centre Director