Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development

About the department

The Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development is a graduating department:

  • in the concentration of Bachelor Degree 38.03.03 "Human Resource Management" (full-time and part-time format),
  • Bachelor's Degree 38.03.03 "Human Resource Management in a Virtual Environment (partially in English)" (full-time),
  • Bachelor's Degree 37.03.01 "Psychology of the Virtual Environment and Media Space" (full-time),
  • for the Master's degree in "Human Resource Management" (specialization 38.04.03 "Human Resource Management") (full-time),
  • for the Master's Degree in "Digital Educational Practices and Technologies" (Department 44.04.01 "Pedagogical Education") (correspondence course).

The Department has a pedagogical and scientific laboratory of experimental psychology.

The faculty of the Department consists of 69 people, most of them (80%) have the academic degrees of PhD and Doctor of Sciences and the academic titles of Associate Professor and Professor.

All faculty members are highly qualified specialists with practical experience, which allows them to conduct academic disciplines in accordance with modern trends both in human resource management and psychology.

Among the faculty members of the Department there are specialists in human resource management, practicing psychologists, as well as foreign teachers.

The faculty members provide qualified training for the new generation of alumni who fully meet the requirements of the modern labour market.

The professional skills acquired during the education process allow the alumni to position themselves as highly qualified personnel managers and psychologists in all spheres of the economy.


Marina Polevaya

Chief Scientist