About the department

Mission of the Department

To continuously improve the quality of student education and increase the role of physical culture and sport in the comprehensive development implementation of the Russian human resource potential on the principles of a competent approach, practical orientation, individualization of physical education training programs.

Main Goal of the Department

The formation of a student’s personality based on the unity of education and upbringing by creating conditions that ensure the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle, systematic engagement in physical education and sports.

Tasks of the Department:

  • Formation of motivational and value attitude to physical culture, attitude to healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education,
  • To provide general and professional physical fitness, which determines the psychophysical readiness of the student for the future profession.

Educational Tasks:

  • Acquisition of necessary knowledge, scientific and practical bases of physical culture and healthy lifestyle, mastery of a system of practical skills and abilities that ensure preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being,
  • Development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities, personality traits based on general and professionally applied physical and psychological training.

Moral Tasks:

  • Formation of the need for physical self-improvement and self-education,
  • Development of willpower, moral behavior, experience in creative use of physical culture and sports activities for achievement of social and professional goals, promotion of aesthetic education.

Main Directions of the Department:

  • Development and implementation of measures to promote physical culture and sport as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle,
  • Modernization of the physical education system for students, considering their professional activities,
  • Providing students with a weekly physical activity regime of at least 6-8 hours, depending on the state of health,
  • Participation of full-time students in systematic physical education and sports.



Pavel Galochkin

Head of the Department