Department of Mathematics

About the department

A modern FinU alumnus should be able to use mathematical methods and computer technologies for data processing, build mathematical models, analyze and visualize the obtained results. This places new demands on the professional mathematical education of bachelor's and master's students, makes its own adjustments to the content of mathematical disciplines, and dictates the need to include elements of modern applied mathematics. University mathematics education of future economists and managers should be aimed primarily at the development of sustainable competencies of students in the field of data analysis and justification of decisions.

The labor market places high demands on the information and mathematical culture of bachelors/masters, including financial and economic profiles. In a market economy, a university graduate must be competitive, which requires not only professional knowledge in the main field of activity, but also the ability to apply mathematical methods to solve practical problems.

The Department of Mathematics is an inter-faculty unit that unites specialists in the following fields: mathematical and functional analysis, differential equations, numerical methods, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, data analysis, and is responsible for the basic theoretical mathematical education and modern computer education of the students of the FinU.

Faculty members of the Department provide teaching and scientific guidance to the educational programs of the Faculties.


Sergey Zadadaev

Head of the Department

  • PhD in Physics and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor
  • Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation

Tatiana Melekhina

Deputy Head of the Department of Educational Work

  • Associate Professor
  • PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Irina Utakaeva

Deputy Head of the Department for Educational and Methodological Work

  • PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Alexander Rylov

Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work

  • PhD in Physics and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor

Kirill Levchenko

Deputy Head of the Digitalisation Department

  • PhD in Physics and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor