About the department

Welcome to the website of the first department in our country dedicated to the study of the international reporting standard XBRL.

The Department “Modern Technologies of Collecting and Processing Reports” (renamed since 31.07.2019, the previous name is “XBRL Technologies”).

It was opened in September 2017 in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Protocol No. 11 dated June 30, 2017). Today, the Department is a part of the International Business School of the Continuing Education System of the FinU.

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 251 of July 23, 2013 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding the Transfer of Powers of Regulation, Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Financial Markets to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” and the Letter of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2013, No. 135-T3 “On the Document of the IFRS Foundation” in order to develop and improve the reporting system of the NFO, the Chairman of the Bank of Russia approved the implementation of the project on transition of the NFO to an electronic format for providing reporting data based on XBRL specifications.

The main purpose of the creation of the department “Modern Technologies of Collecting and Processing Reports” is to train specialists of organizations on XBRL issues, to create a center of competence and certification in XBRL, focused on acquisition of practical skills of students to work with XBRL.

The Department fruitfully cooperates with the XBRL Center, which provides comprehensive assistance in organizing and conducting a quarterly cycle of specially designed thematic seminars for the market of non-credit financial organizations on the basis of the Department, within which leading experts of the Bank of Russia speak on the most pressing issues of reporting in XBRL and its submission to the Bank of Russia.

The permanent jurisdiction of XBRL in Russia in the form of a separate legal entity - the autonomous non-profit organization Center for Implementation and Development of the XBRL Format (XBRL Center) was established by the Bank of Russia in 2017 to support, develop and standardize the use of XBRL in Russia.

The Board of Directors of the XBRL Center includes employees of the Bank of Russia, representatives of the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, the Association of Banks of Russia, and other organizations interested in the implementation of XBRL projects. The Council is headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia K.V. Yudaeva. The President of the XBRL Center is the Deputy Rector for Scientific Work of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Maslennikov.

The XBRL Center brings together about 100 interested participants of the financial market and developers of XBRL IT solutions.

To increase the efficiency and speed up the process of XBRL implementation in Russia, the XBRL Center operates working groups in methodological and technological directions, as well as in communication and educational activities, the meetings of which are held with the participation of employees of the Bank of Russia.

In April 2020, the XBRL Center will launch a system of voluntary certification of software products for developers of IT solutions for XBRL. The certificate of conformity can be used only for the software product of the version that was the subject of certification and received positive test results.

All information on the activities of the XBRL Center is available on the website: www.xbrl.ru.


Stanislav Korop

Head of the Department

  • Doctor of Economics

Evgeniya Lyalkova

Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication for Educational and Methodological Work