About the department

The Center for Research on Long-Term Patterns of Economic Development is a scientific unit of the Department of Economic Theory of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the Center is to coordinate the scientific work of the Department’s staff and scientists of other institutes and universities related to the problems of long waves in the economy and patterns of technological change.

The main activities of the Center are scientific research, organization of scientific conferences, preparation for printing monographs and thematic collections. In 2019-2021, the Center for Research on Long-Term Patterns of Economic Development will conduct research on the basic state budget research “Cyclical Nature of World Economic Structures’ Development”.

The main areas of scientific research of the Center for Research on Long-Term Patterns of
Economic Development include:

  • Analysis and generalization of classical and recent theoretical concepts describing and forecasting long-term technical and economic development of the country, region and the world,
  • Study of the influence of world civilizational, cultural and historical cycles on global and local economic processes,
  • Justification of the cyclical patterns’ periodization of technological change, analysis of the impact of techno-economic waves and cycles on the world economic patterns’ development,
  • Study of the sectoral sequence patterns of basic technologies’ diffusion in the economy according to the scheme “Information and Communication Sector - Industry – Transport”,
  • Comparative analysis of the content and development of technological revolutions and financial institutions,
  • Identification of peculiarities of the Russian economy’s functioning within the framework of long cycles caused by changes in technological and world economic patterns.

The address of the Center for Research on Long-Term Patterns of Economic Development is Moscow, Zlatoustinsky Lane, 7/1, Room 120

Telephone number 8-499-503-47-88


Sergey Glazyev

Chief Scientist