Technological Entrepreneurship Ranking of Russian Universities-2024

The analytical center "Expert", specializing in applied research in education and science, has published the results of the ranking of universities - leaders of technological entrepreneurship "Techpred-50". The authors of the ranking attempted to assess the contribution of Russian universities to scientific and innovative development, including the development of entrepreneurship, by studying and analyzing trends in the educational and professional trajectories’ formation of the founders of technological startups who came from Russia. 

The effectiveness of universities was assessed by startups founded over a ten years’ period from 2014 to 2023, whose founders graduated from a Russian university. The number of founded startups and the volume of investments attracted by them were taken into account. To assess the potential of universities, the data on the number of university students in higher education programs, the number of competitions won by the university aimed at supporting the innovative activity of universities (startup studios, technology transfer centers, engineering centers, advanced engineering schools, etc.) and the university's access to large innovative infrastructure facilities created as part of federal projects (campuses, research centers, high-tech technology parks) were used. The potential for innovative development of the university location region was also taken into account.


FinU was awarded 7th in the ranking of universities - leaders of technological entrepreneurship in 2024:




Number of Local Startups

Volume of Investments in Startups

2nd group

68.8 points


8726 mln rub

More about Techpred-50 here

FinU in rankings here