Who will teach those who will teach AI? We will!


The association "Alliance in AI" announced the results of the second study on the quality of training specialists to work with AI. As last year, FinU with a C++ ranking was noted among the leaders of the AI ranking along with the country's leading technical universities, recognized industry leaders - ITMO University and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (NRU) and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, MIPT NRU, St. Petersburg University, UrFU, HSE and other leading universities. 


About the AI ranking

The ranking is organized by the Alliance in AI Association, which unites the country's leading technology companies. Its members include the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Sber, Yandex, VK, Gazpromneft, SIBUR, Uralchem, etc.

To create the ranking, open data from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, websites of student Olympiads, as well as the results of surveys of universities and representatives of employers were used.

The ranking is based on a mathematical model that includes assessments according to 19 criteria, including: the salary level of university alumni in the concentrations of 01.00.00 Mathematics and Mechanics; 02.00.00 Computer and Information Sciences; 09.00. 00 Computer Science and Computer Engineering; the demand for alumni by employers; the participation of faculty members and students in scientific and practical conferences in AI and the availability of publications in peer-reviewed journals; the development of own online programs and courses on AI; the average score of the USE of applicants in the concentrations of 01.00.00 Mathematics and Mechanics; 02.00.00 Computer and Information Sciences; 09.00.00 Computer Science and Computer Engineering; student participation in the USE of applicants in the concentrations of 01.00.00 Mathematics and Mechanics; 02.00.00 Computer and Information Sciences; 09.00.00 Computer Science and Computer Engineering; 09.00.00 Computer Science and Computer Engineering;  Students' participation in Olympics; the level of development of cooperation with employers; interaction with schools, etc.