The Summer School "Russia in under Transformation of the World Order" was opened at the FinU on July 10 as part of the Summer University project. 9 students of the Jilin University (China), one of the leading national universities in China, a partner university of the Financial University, will be trained.

The participants of the program were welcomed by the Head of the International Cooperation Department Lilia Prikhodko. Addressing the guests, she emphasized that the FinU actively develops cooperation with international universities and expressed the readiness of the administration to provide full support, 

"It is important to build and strengthen the partnership between our countries to ensure mutually beneficial cooperation. We strive to establish more fruitful and long-term relations, especially in education and science, to ensure the stable development and prosperity of both countries."

The leader of the group, the Head of the Department of International Relations at the Northeast Asian Studies’ College of the Jilin University, Ms. Hu Xiaolin, in turn noted, 

"I would like to express my deep gratitude to the FinU administration for the careful preparation of the program, which opens up new horizons for our students and contributes to the development of mutual understanding between our countries. The importance of cooperation in education and culture is invaluable today, and the development of partnerships with the FinU is one of the powerful tools for strengthening friendly relations between our peoples".

Lilia Prikhodko introduced the students to the strategic development vectors of the FinU, gave a brief historical information about the University and outlined the main events of the Summer School program.

As part of the opening of the Summer School, the students visited the exposition of the Museum of the FinU, where they got to know the history of the monetary and financial system of Russia, and also attended the first lectures and seminars.

For two weeks, the students of the Jilin University will take courses in economics, politics, history and culture in English, prepared by expert faculty members of the FinU. In addition to mastering theoretical knowledge, the participants of the Summer School will explore the main attractions through exciting excursions, which will allow them to fully immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of Russia, as well as enjoy the splendor of our northern capital.

We wish all participants of the Summer School successful studies, unforgettable impressions of the events and wonderful moments that will be remembered for a lifetime!