The state final certification of students enrolled in the joint educational program of the Faculty of Finance of the FinU and the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek has been completed.

The students passed the state exam and defended their graduation thesis on the following concentrations: "Economy and Finances of the Social Sphere" and "Financial Risk Management and Insurance".

On behalf of the FinU the Head of the Department of Insurance and Economics of the Social Sphere, head of the concentration "Financial Risk Management and Insurance" A.A. Tsyganov, on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek A.T. Umarov and the Head of the Department of Finance and Credit H.H. Rezanov actively participated in the preparation of the final certification.

The members of the State Certification Commission noted the high level of education of the students and the fact that the research of the students was devoted to the experience of two countries: Russia and Uzbekistan.

The topics and contents of the graduation thesis reflected the most pressing issues of economy, finance, business in the social sphere (social entrepreneurship, state financial support and tools to stimulate social entrepreneurship, digitalization of social security, public-private partnership in the social sphere, etc.), the insurance market and risk management (development of types of insurance, innovative insurance products, financial assessment of sustainability of insurers, digitalization of business processes of insurers, risk management in organizations, etc.). All the theses analyzed statistical indicators related to the works and took into account foreign experience.

The Commission highly appreciated the students' work.

Concentration "Economy and Finances of the Social Sphere":

·        E.I. Ibragimov with the topic: "The use of Digital Technologies in the Activity of Social Organizations",

·        A.S. Ibragimova with the topic: "Features of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Social Sphere",

·        D.R. Turgunova with the topic: "Financing and Production Management of Promotion of Film Projects in the Digital Economy",

·        F.H Kholbabaev. with the topic: "Personal Insurance and its Role in the Social Protection System in the Republic of Uzbekistan",

·        J.A. Khalilov with the topic: "Assessment of the Impact of Measures and Instruments of Fiscal Policy on the Achievement of Social Development Goals".

Concentration "Financial Risk Management and Insurance":

·        Yu. S. Zaitov with the topic: "Comparative Analysis of Options for Marketing Programs of Insurance Business",

·        A.R. Khudoiberganov with the topic: "Organization of Sale of Insurance Products",

·        A.K. Ergasheva with the topic: "Impact of Digital Technologies on the Insurance Business".

As a result of their studies and successful defense of the graduation theses, 22 students enrolled in a joint educational program will receive double-degree diplomas of higher education: a diploma of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and a diploma of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.

Congratulations to the students, faculty members and administration of both universities for the successful launch of a unique program, which is the result of long-term cooperation in joint programs and scientific research!