From the 9th to the 24th of June, an internship in the form of a business mission for students of the MBA program of the FinU took place and was successfully completed in the Xiamen Free Economic Zone (PRC). 

The internship was organized by the Department of International Business of the Faculty of International Economic Relations with the support of the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center in Xiamen, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and Xiamen University, with which cooperation agreements were signed this year. 

Students from the MBA program of the Institute of Business Administration and Business of the Financial University were able to immerse themselves in the dynamic environment of Chinese business and corporate education for two weeks. The internship programme included:

·                     A series of lectures and seminars by leading faculty from Xiamen University and invited experts on current issues of doing business in China, the specifics of economic development in the BRICS countries, and the prospects for international cooperation with Russia,

·                     A visit to Xiamen's leading companies, including BRICS partner companies, where the MBA students got to know the best practices in the organization of business processes, HR management and the introduction of innovative technologies, 

·                     Participation in round tables and discussions with representatives of the Chinese business community to discuss current issues and prospects for the development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and China.

The internship of students of the MBA programme of the FinU in the Xiamen Free Economic Zone has become a landmark event in the life of the University as part of the implementation of the "Turning to the East" concept and the development of Russian-Chinese cooperation. The experience, knowledge and business contacts gained by the participants of the program will undoubtedly become an important contribution to their professional development and the launch of new Russian-Chinese business projects.