On June 25, FinU of the Russian Federation started the training of employees of the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - the Social Fund of Russia as part of the professional retraining program "Master of Public Administration". The launch of the educational program took place within the framework of the agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Social Fund of Russia and the FinU. The event was moderated by Gulnaz Kadyrova, Dean of the Faculty “Higher School of Management” of the FinU.

Stanislav Prokofiev, Rector of the FinU, addressed the audience - senior and middle managers representing different regions of the country.

"Today we are launching one of the key projects of cooperation with the Social Fund of Russia - a large professional retraining program "Master of Public Administration" for the administration of the Fund. FinU has been implementing similar programs for many years, and adaptation to the needs of the Social Fund has become a feature of this particular project. The course, which is aimed at training professionals in public administration, provides work in several key areas: studying theoretical material, communicating with experts and analyzing practical cases, practicing public speaking skills, and finally implementing and defending project work," said Stanislav Prokofiev.

Sergey Chirkov, the head of the Social Fund of Russia, sent a video message to the participants of the program. He greeted the participants and emphasized that the training was focused on the priority areas of the Fund's activities and noted the importance of improving the effectiveness of social support for citizens.

Kurban Kurbanov, Director of the Department of Budget Policy in the Field of Labor and Social Protection of the Minfin of the Russian Federation, Svyatoslav Sorokin, Director of the Department of Social Sphere and Non-Profit Organizations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and Tatyana Lototskaya, Deputy Chairperson for Social Block, State Fund "Defenders of the. Fatherland" also greeted the project participants. In their speeches the experts emphasized the role of the Social Fund of Russia in solving the most important state tasks and national development goals and the importance of professional development of specialists at the leading financial and economic university of the country.

Olga Panina, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the FinU, told the meeting participants more about the program. During the training, the students will study the trends of digital transformation in public administration, new digital tools aimed at improving the effectiveness of teamwork and public decision support systems. The training program will last until the end of November 2024.