On 18 June 2024, the Federal Treasury for the first time hosted an open defense of the final graduation theses of students of the Department of Financial Control and Treasury Affairs of the Faculty of Finance (educational programme "Economics and Finance", concentration "State Financial Control").

Eli Isaev, Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury and Head of the Department of Financial Control and Treasury of the Faculty of Finance, gave a farewell speech to the alumni, stressing that new interesting ideas will definitely be put into practice, wishing them confidence and success.

The students presented the results of their research not only to the Certification Commission, but also to a potential employer - the management of the Federal Treasury. The open defense was attended by the Head of the Federal Treasury Roman Artyukhin, the Head of the Department of Control and Analysis in the Financial and Budgetary Sphere of the Federal Treasury Elena Tarasova, the Head of the Department of Control and Audit in the Sphere of Development Institutions and State Property Andrey Nikiforov, the Head of the Department of Control and Audit in the Sphere of Social Affairs, Interbudgetary Relations and Social Insurance of the Federal Treasury Umaysat Bedelova.

During the defense, the students demonstrated a high level of acquired skills in state financial control (audit), treasury services, budget execution of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, ESG audit and audit of sustainable development goals, internal and external state financial control, state financial control in the field of procurement, state financial control over the implementation of state programmes and national projects.

The board of examiners made a unanimous decision on the excellent grades of the alumni, noted the high level of professional training, which indicates the quality of education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The results of the open defense were summed up by the Head of the Federal Treasury Roman Artyukhin, who emphasized the complexity of the topics chosen by the students, their deep practical study and scientific novelty, innovative approaches of the students and the great work of the Department of Financial Control and Treasury of the Faculty of Finance, its significant contribution to the development of the financial scientific school.

For more information on the defense of graduation theses, see the newscast of FNTV.