On June 17 the Summer School of Russian Language, History and Culture was opened at the FinU as part of the Summer University project. This year its participants were students and faculty from educational institutions in Slovakia.

The participants of the project were welcomed by Lilia Prikhodko, the Head of the International Cooperation Department. Addressing the guests, she emphasized the importance of cooperation and, on behalf of the administration, expressed readiness to provide full support and assistance to the guests:

"We will do our best to make this trip meet all your expectations." 

Lilia Prikhodko especially thanked Adriana Lauffova, the teacher of Russian language at the sports gymnasium in Kosice, for her help and support in international communication.

Ms. Adriana Lauffova expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the FinU administration for the annual organization of the Summer School for students from Slovakia and noted the importance of this event for the development of academic exchange and cultural enrichment of participants from both countries.

Lilia Prikhodko informed the guests about the main activities of the University and presented the program of the Summer School.

As a part of the first day of the Summer School, the participants of the program visited the Museum of Finance, where they got to know the expositions devoted to the FinU history and the financial system of Russia, and also listened to the introductory lectures of the educational course.

The educational program of the Summer School, which includes a course in Russian language, history and culture, will last until the beginning of July. The students of the Summer School will also visit the iconic sights during the excursions for a deeper acquaintance with the culture and traditions of Russia.

We wish our guests to acquire new practical knowledge and get vivid impressions from the events!