On June 6, 2024, on the second day of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Stanislav Prokofiev, Rector of the FinU, spoke at the panel session "Financial Culture as a Driver of Economic Development of the state." 

"It is impossible to build a successful state without financially literate people. The level of country development is directly related to the level of people’s financial literacy," Stanislav Prokofiev emphasized during the expert discussion.

He also spoke about the FinU's participation in the implementation of the Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy and Formation of Financial Culture until 2030 and said, 

"The focus of the Federal Methodological Center for Financial Education at the FinU is multifaceted interaction with adults, the economically active population and youth. Our methodological center offers ready-made tools - educational courses, information brochures and conducts numerous educational events, for example, financial literacy festivals. Together with the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia, we are developing a long-term investment program to create a culture of long-term savings among the population".

The panel discussion was also attended by Nikolay Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Pavel Kadochnikov, Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mamuta, Head of the Service for Consumer Protection and Financial Inclusion , Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, Maria Kalinina, Director of the Department for Social Projects of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, Andrey Lisitsyn, Managing Director, Financial Policy and Financial Markets Department, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Sergey Saratov, Head of the Personnel Management Department of the Russian Railways, and Alexander Auzan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The event was moderated by Vladimir Nazarov, Director of the FRI of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

During the panel discussion the participants discussed the role of financial culture in the development of the national economy, the current problem areas in improving the financial literacy of citizens and the accumulated international experience. Special attention was paid to the development of effective tools for improving financial literacy and financial culture among the most active segment of the population - young people and working adults.

The experts also discussed the implementation of a new strategy to improve financial literacy and create a financial culture by 2030, stressing that one of the key tasks today is to teach every Russian citizen to take care of their finances, the finances of the family, the collective and the state.