On May 16, 2024, the plenary conference of the VI Moscow Academic Economic Forum (MAEF), organized by the Free Economic Society of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the International Union of Economists, was held at the FinU. 

The scientific discussion was devoted to the transformation of the global monetary and financial system in modern geopolitical conditions, experts discussed strategies for the formation of financial sovereignty of the state. The event was moderated by Pavel Seleznev, Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

The participants of the discussion are scientists, young researchers, representatives of the public sector and business — were welcomed by Mikhail Eskindarov, Vice President of the VEO of Russia, Academic Supervisor of the FinU. In his opening remarks, he outlined the main challenges facing the modern Russian economy and ways to overcome them. Among the key tools, Mikhail Eskindarov named an increase in the gold reserve, the growth of regional ties, an increase in the share of settlements in national currencies, noting that the new paradigm of the world economy implies a decrease in interdependence between countries.

The Vice President of the VEO of Russia wished the participants and guests of the conference productive and interesting work, and also thanked the experts of the FinU, noting the importance and relevance of the University's expert potential.

Svetlana Solyannikova, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work at the FinU, addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. She stressed the importance of the discussion platform in the context of modern challenges and the leading role of the Scientific school of the FinU in the study of the global monetary and financial system.

The agenda of the scientific discussion included the issues of forming a strategy to increase the financial sovereignty of the state in the context of fragmentation of the global monetary and financial system, a change in the development paradigm, modernization of the financial sector of the economy, and increasing its efficiency. The experts paid special attention to the discussion of adaptation to changes in the global economy and the development of the country's financial sector's resilience to external challenges.

The discussion of key issues of the Russian financial system development continued as part of the expert discussion "Russia's sovereign Economic course in the context of the world economy’s fragmentation", moderated by Professor of the Department of Economic Theory of the FinU Sergey Tolkachev. The participants discussed a wide range of topics, including questions about tools for developing economic potential, challenges in international trade, and interaction between government and business. Dmitry Belousov, Deputy Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting, became one of the key speakers of the discussion. In his speech, the expert considered the main components of sovereignty as leadership.

The ideas and expert proposals made at the MAEF-2024 will be presented to the expert groups of the Russian Government and to the relevant public administration bodies.