On September 1, 2023, a solemn event for freshmen of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Dedication to Students took place in the Crocus City Hall. 

“Hello, FinU!” – the FinU Rector Stanislav Prokofiev started the event with these words. Congratulating the first-year students on the Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new academic year, the Rector stressed that this year was the largest competition in the history of the FinU for admission, the average score of the Unified State Exam for the state-funded places was 92 points. FinU has accepted 16,200 students, of whom more than 1,000 are foreigners from 32 countries of the world.

“Entering University is just the beginning. It is very important to study with dignity and graduate with high results. But remember – you will never be alone on this difficult path: your teachers, deans, as well as vice-rectors and other university staff will always be with you,” the Rector said.

“Our University is a territory of opportunities. You can try yourself as a scientist, join research teams. If you want to try yourself as a businessman – we have business accelerators. FimU is the territory of intelligence. New knowledge, internships in large organizations, modern infrastructure, specialized laboratories, all the conditions necessary for comfortable training are waiting for you – learn, expand the boundaries of your capabilities, comprehend the unknown!” said Stanislav Prokofiev. 

The Rector also emphasized, “FinU is strong with its traditions, the connection of generations, the foundation of our academic reputation was laid by our predecessors – wonderful, talented people who worked and studied at our university in different years of its rich 104-year history. Friends, now you are part of this story – join in, dare, learn and win!”.

Anton Siluanov, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Dean of the FinU Faculty of Finance, addressed the freshmen with a welcoming speech, 

“You have entered the best financial university in the country! I am convinced that the professions of financier and economist will always be in demand, and even artificial intelligence, which is gaining popularity now, will never be able to replace them. In our profession, you need to put all your strength, soul, and heart into work. We need a living intellect striving for improvement and knowledge. And that's what they teach at the FinU! This is taught by our teachers, whom I want to congratulate separately on the Knowledge Day, because without them learning would be impossible. It is thanks to them that we learn everything new. They give us a start in life.”

Also in his speech, the Minister stressed that it is during the student years that the foundation of all future successes and achievements is laid,

“You need to have time to become not only an educated, but also a cultured, developed person. Therefore, I advise you to go to theaters, museums, cinemas, festivals and exhibitions — develop, use your student years! I urge you not to waste time! Try yourself in business during the study period, it will give you a unique experience and greatly increase your chances of systematic and successful advancement in your professional career.”

Then, in a solemn atmosphere, the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Rector of the FinU presented the outstanding professor of the Financial University, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Pyotr Sergeyevich Nikolsky with the award – the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Pyotr Nikolsky was awarded this high award for his services in scientific and pedagogical activity, training of qualified specialists and many years of conscientious work at the university.

The official part continued with a greeting from Galina Izotova, Acting Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Head of the Basic Department “Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. State Audit” of the FinU Faculty of Finance. In her parting words to the freshmen, she noted that today they are entering a new, important, interesting and eventful stage of their lives, which will require a lot of work to learn the theory and practice of their chosen profession.

“Today, alumni  of the FinU are in demand everywhere: in state corporations, in government bodies, in commercial companies. We in the Accounts Chamber, of course, are also waiting for FinU alumni,” Galina Izotova added, in conclusion wishing the students not to lose their sense of purpose, to think big and not be afraid to dream.

Vladimir Vasiliev, head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, sent a video greeting to the first-year students of the FinU. In his address, he emphasized that FinU has been training highly qualified economists and financiers for more than a century, contributing to the formation of the intellectual elite of Russia.

“Your generation will have to solve complex tasks of forming a proactive economy in Russia, which involves building up productive forces and services, strengthening infrastructure, mastering advanced technologies, actively using scientific opportunities and creative potential,” Vladimir Vasiliev said.

The event continued with a rich concert program, which included many musical and dance performances by creative collectives and studios of the FinU: the folk dance ensemble “Russian Patterns”, the choreographic studio “Frappe”, the modern dance collective “Liberte”, soloists of the folk vocal studio, the choir of the FinU. The popular performer Amirchik also performed for the guests of the holiday.

A video greeting to the freshmen was sent by the Hero of Russia, a participant of the special military operation, a student of the FinU Baldan Tsydypov. In his greeting, he thanked the teachers for their knowledge and assistance in mastering the profession, and also urged students to be true patriots of Russia and protect its interests.

Another outstanding student of the FinU, the winner of numerous intellectual competitions and the winner of the Rector’s Award “For Academic Achievements” Efim Anisimov also congratulated the first-year students. On the stage of Crocus City Hall, Stanislav Prokofiev, Rector of the FinU, presented him with the gold medal of the sixth season of the All-Russian Student Olympiad “I am a Professional” in the concentration of Economic Security.

As part of the symbolic dedication to students, according to good tradition, the first-year students – representatives of each of the 8 faculties - were solemnly handed a large student ID and a record book. 

In the final part of the event, vice-rectors and deans rose to the stage after the Rector, the anthem of the FinU sounded.

We heartily congratulate the freshmen – new members of our large and friendly university family and wish that all the goals were achieved, and the student years became a bright and interesting journey!