From August 25 to 28, 2023, the First International Student Golf Competition “Yudinskaya Valley Cup” took place in Krasnoyarsk.

The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Russian Student Sports Union, the Russian Golf Association, the Association “National Student Golf League”, the Ministry of Sports of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Sports Training Center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

63 golfers representing 20 universities from 9 countries took part in the competition: Russia, Belarus, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, Jamaica, Ecuador and Colombia.

The FinU golf team took 2nd place in the competition!

Our team:

·         Sofia Polukarova (Higher School of Management)

·         Maximilian Matytsin (FF)

·         Georgy Voronov (IER)

·         Nikita Puchkov (Higher School of Management).

Congratulations to the students and we wish them success in the new academic year!