Dear colleagues! Dear faculty, staff and students of the FinU!

I congratulate you on the Knowledge Day and the beginning of a new, jubilee academic year for the FinU! It's hard to believe, but in just six months we will celebrate the 105th birthday of our university. I consider it important to approach this significant date not only with summing up and listing historical achievements, but also to celebrate the anniversary with new victories and achieve high performance in scientific and educational activities.

The beginning of the school year is every time the start of an important stage of development and, in a sense, a challenge. We will not only return to the educational process and the implementation of current projects, but also set new goals, outline large-scale plans for the future and build an optimal growth trajectory in modern conditions. I would like to emphasize that how the FinU will celebrate its first anniversary of the second century depends on each of us – a teacher, an employee and a student.

The powerful intellectual potential and unique experience in training highly qualified personnel, of which we are rightfully proud today, have been formed year after year by the painstaking work of those who stood at the origins of the university. Let me remind you that the uniqueness of the FinU also lies in the fact that it was created virtually from scratch and, unlike other universities, had no predecessors, was organized without relying on the scientific and methodological base of any pre-revolutionary educational institution. And at the present stage, FinU continues to follow an innovative path, anticipates trends and responds ahead of time: implements the model of an entrepreneurial university, opens innovative laboratories in collaboration with market leaders, develops unique educational programs and actively expands international relations with key strategic partners.

Dear freshmen, I especially want to note that you have a great honor - you became our students in the anniversary year for the FinU, which means you have already entered the history of the University. I am convinced that you will be worthy successors of our glorious centuries-old traditions, join the galaxy of outstanding alumni and write new bright pages in the history of the University.

I sincerely wish everyone good health, self-confidence, kindness and prosperity! May this academic year be a time of breakthrough discoveries, high achievements, broad prospects and great opportunities for us! Forward to the 105th anniversary of the FinU!

Rector of

Financial University

under the Government of the Russian Federation S.E. Prokofiev