FinU congratulates everyone on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of a new academic year!

September 1 is always the beginning of a new path to the world of achievements, successes and bold experiments. The status of a public holiday emphasizes the importance of education in our country, as well as the importance of various knowledge.

FinU is one of the oldest, leading universities in the country, trains highly qualified personnel and shows brilliant results in prestigious international and Russian rankings.

From the first days of your studies, we invite you to actively participate in the scientific, cultural, social and sports life of the University. Our scientists, faculty, alumni and students continue to make a worthy contribution to the development of their alma mater, thanks to which FinU carries out fundamental and applied research and is rightfully one of the flagships of higher education.

On this day, FinU congratulates everyone, especially first-year students, because for them September 1 is not just the beginning of a new academic year, it is a significant day from which the road to the future begins, to an interesting adult life filled with the joy of knowledge and true friendship.

We wish all students patience, perseverance in conquering the peaks of knowledge and excellent grades, and we wish our faculty joy for the successes and achievements of their students and new professional victories.

Happy holiday!