On April 16, 2024, Stanislav Prokofiev, Rector of the FinU, taking part in the National Oil and Gas Forum, spoke about trends in the personnel training and key competencies of future industry leaders.

Anastasia Bondarenko, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, opened the round table "Personnel Is Everything: New Technologies Need New Leaders", stressing that the human resources potential of any industry depends on people and conditions for realizing their potential.

One of the key topics of the discussion was the role of universities in the system of developing the skills of future specialists. 

"The flexibility and adaptability of the University to market requirements, the optimal combination of fundamental and applied knowledge are key factors in maintaining leadership," said the Rector of the FinU.

Speaking about the development trends in the financial and economic education developed at the FinU, Stanislav Prokofiev noted a unique educational project that provides for a combination of two degrees in one diploma.

The Rector of the FinU emphasized the importance of cooperation with leading universities in their subject area in order to train a new generation of professionals capable of working at the junction of two specialties. 

"We understand that for economists and managers working, for example, in the oil and gas industry, it is important to understand its specifics. That is why the FinU, a leader in humanities education, has signed an agreement on the implementation of an ambitious educational project together with Bauman Moscow State Technical University for the training of engineers and economists," Stanislav Prokofiev explained. 

FinU implements a similar approach in cooperation with foreign partners: together with colleagues from Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran, an educational program "World Politics and Geoenergy" was developed in 2024, which covers many relevant areas in the energy sector to train a competent analyst in fuel and energy.

Among the key skills of alumni, the Rector of the FinU  also noted the importance of a broad outlook, creativity, creative criticism and constant self-improvement.

"We believe that only a comprehensive approach that will allow us to train serious, qualified specialists for our economy should distinguish modern universities today," Stanislav Prokofiev concluded his speech.

The panelists also discussed the human resources potential of the Russian fuel and energy sector, the interaction of the academic community with business and government agencies, and the dynamics of changing demand for personnel due to the complexity of technological processes in the oil and gas complex.