On December 3, 2023, the International Students and Faculty Department, together with the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, organized an excursion to the Pushkin State Museum. 

The Pushkin State Museum in Moscow is one of the major cultural centers not only of the capital, but also of the whole of Russia. The main museum includes five more branches: Exhibition halls in Money Lane, the Vasily Lvovich Pushkin House Museum (uncle and literary mentor of the famous poet) on Staraya Basmannaya, the Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev House Museum on Ostozhenka, the Andrei Bely Memorial Apartment on Arbat and the A. S. Pushkin Memorial Apartment on Arbat. 

During an excursion to the Pushkin State Museum, the guides told the students about the poet’s contemporaries, about the Pushkin era, about the poet’s environment, friends and enemies.