Financial University is ranked 15th on the list of 100 best Russian universities according to the version of Forbes-2020!

This year the approach to preparing the rating "100 Best Universities" has been completely changed.

The metric "Quality of education" (maximum 50 points) used to be based on the data provided by the Ministry of Education, which has been changed.

A new parameter "Quality of teachers" (25 points) has appeared, consisting of the teachers’ salary level (10 points), ratio of teachers to students (10 points), presence and share of foreign teachers (5 points). 

The parameter "International activity" (15 points) now consists of foreign students who study at the university (5 points), foreign internships (5 points) and joint degree programmes with foreign universities (5 points).

The parameter "Unified State Exam" (10 points) of the admitted students remained unchanged.
