We are pleased to announce that internationals applicants willing to enter a fee-based program at the Financial University can already pass the entrance tests conducted by the University independently.

Foreign citizens have the right to take general education entrance tests conducted by the Financial University independently (including those people with a secondary vocational education) regardless of whether the student passed Unified State Exams or did not pass the required Unified State Exams in the current calendar year, or the applicant received a Certificate of Compulsory General Education in a foreign organization.

If the results of the Unified State Exam are available, international applicants can use them in addition to the entrance tests conducted by the Financial University independently.
We kindly remind you that if you are willing to do a BACHELOR’S degree on a fee basis, you are required to pass only 2 entrance exams.

The list of entrance exams is available by the link: http://www.fa.ru/priemka/foreign/bak/konkurs/Pages/pu-exam.aspx

If you are willing to do a MASTER’s degree on a fee-basis before the beginning of the main admissions campaign in 2022, you can also take the entrance exams.

The list of entrance exams is available by the link : http://www.fa.ru/priemka/magistr/Pages/ispitaniya.aspx

The entrance exams are conducted remotely.

Apply and register now here: https://anketa.fa.ru/user/sign-in/start

After successfully passing the exams, a letter of guarantee will be sent to you.

Good luck!