We invite you to participate in the  II International Science and Practice Conference

“Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages 2.0: Real vs. Virtual”

The conference will be held from 21 to 23 June 2022.

Today’s world compels foreign language teachers to transcend not only the geographical boundaries that separate them, their students, and the target-language countries, but also the cultural barriers that exist at the geopolitical and sociocultural levels.

The ability of foreign language teaching methods to respond and adapt to these challenges is a key criterion not only for the effectiveness of foreign language teaching, but also for the policy of “soft power” that can diffuse ethnic conflicts and foster mutual understanding and trust between cultures.

The purpose of this conference is to analyze and summarize the experience of teaching foreign languages in the world, and to try to define their role and place in promoting understanding of people at the present stage.

Methods of teaching English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Russian as a foreign language will be on the agenda of the conference. The following topics will be raised:

1. Linguistics of the Time of Change.
2. Hybrid Language Teaching — Our Future or an Unavoidable Measure?
3. Modern Foreign Language Teacher: Mentor, Coach, Tutor or Facilitator?
4. Education for Professional Intercultural Communication in the Global World.

We invite teachers as well as representatives of related professions to join our discussion! Only together can we find answers to the concerns of the entire educational community.

Fore more information click HERE